RPC/RPCC Walk of Remembranz

Some Holleewud sidewoks have big star shapes in thuh pavement wif names of famus peeple engraved on them. This is called thuh Walk ov Fame.

Thuh Back Claw Cat Club and Mietze, Offishul Listkeeper of Rainbow Bridj Honorees for thuh Jellicle Ball, wud like to purropose a Walk of Remembranz in our rpcc town skware.

We wud pave it wif speshul briks engraved wif thuh furmal names of our frendz who have gone to thuh Rainbow Bridj. Ther wud be colorful arcs of rainbows across thuh briks. Mietze has designed this beeootiful concept of thuh noo town skware. When kittees find ther onetroohome at one of our houzes, we can show them who lived ther befur. We can tell about ther titles, ther speshul talentz, and ther advenchures.

As we go about our bizzy dayz, letz slo down now and then and think ov our frendz as we travel on thuh Walk of Remembranz.

- Gretchen Marie

Frum mine speech fur da '98 Calling ov Nayms:
"Dey ar owr frends, owr chilldrin, owr broffurs, owr sisfurs.....
dey wer da chosin famlee ov owr hoomins' hearts.....
all ov dem luffd an cherishd an reememfurrd wiff sadniss an joy.
Eech wun ov dem wurrfy ov honor an reespekt."

Effury yeeer, da furrst naym Called has bin:
"Unknown Kitties, House of Bast",
representin all doze kitties whose nayms
we do not no, da ferals, strays, an lost wuns.
In 2008, da House of McMaster suggestid dat a brick be mayd in dis naym,
an so it has bin reespektfully playsd at da furry beegining ov da Walk.

Aftur dis furrst brik, da Walk is organdized by da yeeer
eech Onoree's naym wuz called at a Jellicle Ball,
alfabeticull by "House ov" naym.

Da Walk tayks a cuppull ov minnits to fully lode,
but it is furrymuch a wurrk ov mine hart...ov *all* ov owr harts...
an is wurrf a liddull wayt.

- Mietze, arkitekt-desiner-enjineer

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Walk ov Remembranz